
A Fork in the Road... July 4th Special

“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” This is a great Yogi Berra quote. While this may not make sense it does in the sense that often in life we are handed an ultimatum. And when it’s time to make that decision we may not always be ready or sure of it but we make it anyway. We always have a choice and the path that that choice leads us down is always the right one even if we don’t know it or it doesn’t seem like it at the time. I had a choice a little over two years ago. When my girlfriend of almost 2 years broke up with me I could have chose the easy way but I knew that in the end I wouldn’t have been fixing the problems; only avoiding them. The easy way would have been to drown myself in alcohol and put the blame on her but I would have just made myself unhappy even more than I was. I was sad that it ended. But I chose the hard way. I chose to do some serious self evaluation and improvement, and while this process is not really finite, I just never did it before. I knew th

A near quarter life crisis averted... A reflection instead.

A little over one month ago I turned 25 years old. I still can’t get over the fact that a whole year has gone by and so many things have changed in my life while at the same time many have stayed the same. I have been single now a whole year after a bad breakup that crushed me after seeing her for two years. Honestly I was sad at the time but it was what I needed most. I needed to embark on a journey to better myself from within. I knew that in order to improve myself and my future self I had to focus and learn from my mistakes and build on my strengths. I have found new passions as well as rekindling old ones forgotten and have done my best to try new things and learn something new every day. Often times we get stagnant within our life whether it is a job, relationship, health and many other things but it’s important to just recognize it and learn from it. I am always trying to improve on something but at the same time being content in the present moment. But when one gets too comfor

Nutrition for the Soul

Here is a simple yet foolproof guide to eating well and living a healthier lifestyle, both physically and mentally. First of all let’s talk about what NOT to eat because I think it’s important to work your way backwards here. And also don’t call it a “diet” because the problem with”going on a diet” is that you are assuming that you’ll “go off it”. Don’t set yourself up for failure from the beginning. And don’t think of it as “oh no I’m so upset that I won’t be able to eat all these foods again”. Think of it in the sense that you are allowing yourself to live a healthier life with less stress and a clear mind by avoiding these certain foods that have been harming you. So the two main things to NOT eat are: 1. Processed foods and 2. Sugar. That is really the simplest way to better yourself through your eating habits, cut those two out of the equation and enjoy the results. Really you could just stop reading the rest of this post that’s how simple it is (I won’t mind).  Processed food


The crickets lament their goodnight cry loud into the crisp October air. Midnight strikes on the clock with urgency; the cusp of fall is upon us. The trees slowly become less and less resistant to the nudges of winds eager to detach them from their green counterparts. In short time the traditions of nature will have their way. These greens will transform into the orange, red and yellow colors of autumn; sweeping and swirling in gusts that pull them away from their treetop homes to line the streets for the next three months. There is a certain iridescent flicker of the soul as the leaves change that seems to happen in the blink of an eye but we knew it would come all along. The leaves change and us with them. The crisp biting air fills every nook of our lungs as we move onward into the unknown. The days get shorter and shadows grow longer, filling us with mystery of what might lurk beyond these shadowy caverns. This restless unknown vibrates down from the trembling families of trees wh